• ADL matrix PowerPoint template
  • ADL matrix Ppt template

ADL Matrix Ppt Template

ADL matrix PowerPoint template shows the portfolio management concepts based on project life cycle thinking. This template is a visual representation developed by Arthur D. Little (ADL) in the 1980s. The ADL method uses the magnitudes of environmental valuation and business–strength calculation i.e. Competitive Position and Industry Maturity.  The ADL matrix has five competitive positions includes dominant, strong, favourable, tenable, weak. The business’s competitive situation is determined by strategic actions and competitor’s approaches. Quality and strength of competitive position are signs of the company’s strength. The ADL matrix labels every segment of the company according to its place which can be dominant, strong, favourable, tenable or weak.

  • Dominant: This is relatively rare and naturally short-lived. In most cases, monopoly or dominance is short-lived.
  • Strong: Market share is strong and steady, irrespective of competitors. The enterprise has a considerable degree of freedom over its choice of strategies and is often able to act without its market position being unduly threatened by its competitors.
  • Favourable: Business lines delight in competitive advantages in certain sections of the market. However, there are many opponents and no clear leader among stronger opponents. this will give reasonable freedom to the market leaders.
  • Tenable: if the market position is small or limited indefinite location, competitors are getting stronger.
  • Weak: Incessant loss of market share. The business line is too small to keep profitability.

Industry maturity could almost be retitled into “Industry life cycle”. Of course, not only industries should be deliberated here but also segments. There are four groupings of industry maturity: embryonic, growth, mature and ageing.

  • Embryonic: the introduction stage, characterized by fast market growth, very minimal competition, new technology, high investment, and high prices.
  • Growth: The market remains to strengthen, sales upsurge, few (if any) competitors exist, and the company gains rewards for bringing a new product to market.
  • Mature: The market is steady, there is a well-established customer base, market share is constant, there are lots of rivals, and energy is put toward differentiating from rivals.
  • Ageing: Demand declines, companies start leaving the market, the fight for market share among remaining competitors gets too costly, and companies begin exit or consolidate until the market is ending.

ADL matrix PowerPoint template can be used to show your companies competitive advantages and your portfolio management methods.  The ADL template is a customizable business diagram, so you can change any PowerPoint features according to your needs.

You can access more Business PowerPoint Templates & competition PowerPoint template here. Grab the free ppt now!